Thursday, October 2, 2008


Want to improve your personality

How to Give Yourself a Makeover to Fit Your New Personality

An editor has suggested that this article be merged with:
"How to Become a Whole New You"

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1. Choose what you'd like to look like
1. Choose what you'd like to look like

In this artical we will show you how to give yourself a new personality and the look to match it.

If you have always wated to make a change to the way you act and look, this artical will help you start.

[edit] Steps

  1. Choose what you'd like to look like. Go onto and selct a photo of someone from millions of images. A tip is to type the steryotype (like for example emo, scene, prep) and look at those specific images till you find one you like.
  2. ♥ ♥ ♥ Now for the clothes/makeup/hair
  3. Clothing: Find clothing that suits that steryotype(emo, scene, prep ect.) You may find it good to look in magazines, web pages, google images, photobucket, bands and anyone who would wear the clothes fitted to the steryotype.
  4. Hair: Try to find haircuts (type in 'emo haircuts/hairstyles' if your choosing and emo look, try 'long hairstyles for girls' *or short or mid length depending on your hair type* if your tryig to be preppy or girly, 'scene haircuts' would suit a scene kid and so on...
  5. Use the correct styling tools and products looking to your picture (from the first step) for inspiration.
  6. You may also dye your hair the desired colour
  7. Makeup: If your a guy, makeup won't be required,unless you like guyliner if your going for an emo look. Makeup should never be heavy and preppy girls are more for natural beauty anyway. Mascara, lipgloss, light foundation and bronzer are probably all preppy girls will need, Emo girls could do the same only skipping bronzer and adding eyeliner.
  8. Okay so now for attitude..... ♥
  9. Go slowly on the whole attitude change: Slowy move into that steryotype, if you go to school the next day andlook totally diffrent people are going to either think your a poser or fake, so go slowly. Try to make subtle changes in the way you act until finally you are a definate emo, prep, whatever.
  10. Same goes for your new look: Go slowly on the whole makeover, its better to start wearing guyliner and moving onto clothes then full on changing your whole wardrobe overnight.
  11. Read up on other articals about how to act like your desired steyotype. Type in 'How to be an emo' and 'How to be a preppy girl' whatever the choosen type is.
  12. If people don't like the new you: Shrug them off, this is what you really want to do, so they should accept that.
  13. Help! I don't like what i've become!: This is why it pays to go slowly, so if you change your mind, its easier to stop and go back to what you were.
  14. The people that are emo/preppy/scene ec. Aren't my type of people/ I don't get along with them: You don't have to hang out with the people that are of the same intrests, if your friends accept you as you change, then you should be able to still hang out with them.

[edit] Tips

  • Try to go slowly, you'll see why.
  • Never be something your not, be who you are, but make a few minor ajustments to the way you act.
  • Try to stick with your old friends, but if possible, movearound and make more people your friends if they have the same interests.
  • Not everyone is goig to love the new you, but keep your head high and know that your doing the right thing by you.

[edit] Warnings

  • Don't dye your hair without your parents permission, or dye it first thing, again go slowly.
  • If you're trying to be emo, please don't cut yourself as it is unhygenic and can cause blood infections/diseases.
  • Use stereotypes for INSPIRATION ONLY. Don't call yourself a stereotype (posers are EASILY detected) and don't BECOME a stereotype. Only be YOU!

[edit] Things You'll Need

  • new clothes
  • hair products and styling tools
  • Makeup (opt.)
  • Money

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